Downloads – Camp Management

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Every camp should have an inventory.  When an inventory is focused upon, one may be surprised at the volume for which they are responsible.  The number of buildings, doors and windows, tents, tools, recreational equipment, dinner ware, etc can be daunting.  Inventories can also be labor intensive to establish.  The important thing is to start.  Once the template and system is established the greater an inventory will help to reduce work over time.  Inventories should be digital.  With the use of a basic Excel spreadsheet and a digital camera, an inventory can be established that can be easily accessed and utilized for a robust camp managment. Contact for more information and templates.


Timely inspections are important for every camp in order to: 1) Maintain safety 2) Reduce expensive repairs 3) Conform to legal requirements 4) Meet customer levels of service.    Each camp should detail required and important inspections and schedule their frequency.  Inspections may need to be logged and filed, they may also have particular procedures in order to meet inspection requirements. Managers should schedule and budget for inspections.


A maintenance function is only an idea till it is scheduled for implementation.  A full schedule includes 1) resources devoted to the task, ie tools, equipment, personnel, expertise.  2) The duration of the project 3) a start date.    Start dates and duration often times require communication.  Communication may involve conflicts with other scheduled work, projects, weather, or priorities.  For further insight contact


Budgeting is based upon either existing or anticipated funds.  Organizations often divide their budget into operating and capital budgets.  Operating budgets typically are based upon expected future costs, known expenses, and forecasted income.  Long term strategy of the organization should always play a major factor in budgeting such that goals are achieved.   Capital budgets are long term investments, typically for physical infrastructure that is intended to improve profitability.  Choosing the right projects, particularly ones that may require a capital campaign often times requires internal and external communications and feasibility studies.